
WhatsApp Beta Receives Meta AI Integration: What You Need to Know


The WhatsApp Beta for Android has recently introduced a new feature – Meta AI integration. Users participating in the testing program now have access to Meta AI directly within the messaging app. This functionality is located at the top of the WhatsApp interface, offering users quick access to AI-generated prompts.

Exploring Meta AI Integration

The integration of Meta AI with WhatsApp enables users to send prompts more efficiently, allowing for quick inquiries, suggestions for messages, or birthday wishes without switching between applications. With Meta AI seamlessly integrated into the messaging platform, users can streamline their communication process.

New Features in WhatsApp Beta

In addition to Meta AI integration, the latest version ( of WhatsApp Beta for Android introduces the option to send prompts directly from the search field. This feature enhances user experience by eliminating the need to switch apps, providing a convenient way to access AI capabilities.

Meta AI Functionality

While Meta AI is not yet integrated into message typing, similar to features found in other AI-powered keyboards, such as Samsung Galaxy AI, it offers robust functionality for generating prompts and assisting users in their messaging endeavors. Meta AI leverages Llama 2, the second generation of language models developed by Meta, formerly known as Facebook.

Future Integration and Applications

Meta AI’s integration with WhatsApp is just the beginning. Meta has announced plans to extend Meta AI’s capabilities to other services, including Instagram. Additionally, Meta has introduced Emu, a generative AI for images, signaling its commitment to integrating AI across its platforms.


The introduction of Meta AI integration in WhatsApp Beta marks a significant step forward in enhancing user experience and streamlining communication processes. As Meta continues to expand the capabilities of Meta AI across its platforms, users can expect further integration and innovation in the realm of AI-powered messaging.